Saturday, November 26, 2011

If You Like John Mayer, Here's More Crap You Might Like

Why Big Fat Cat (the public relations firm) sent Miller Howell's Habits Can Be Hard to Break to me for review is a mystery best left up to NASA scientists. I am not a fan of male singer-songwriters. Not even close. Even looking at the songs on this told me all I needed to know.

"Tomorrow Comes." "I Need You." "Missing You." "I'm Here." "Kirksville." And last, but surely not least -- you guessed it -- "Miracles." I swear I am not making this up.

The PR paperwork informs me that Howell was "the master of the gradual crescendo." If you have to be master of something, and you can't be original, that's what you should go for, I guess. The gradual crescendo. Screw interesting songs. The gradual crescendo is where it's at.

Reading through more of the paperwork of this 2006 release (I know) assured me with earnest that these six songs were about "traveling through life, getting from point A to point B, and experiencing all moments in between." I can't believe I even re-typed that. Seriously, this entire project seems piece-mealed out of other similar projects. It's all cut and paste.

Granted, I know I am not the target audience for this. I'm not a mid-20s to early-30s gal who is coming out of a relationship and is worried I'll be a spinster cat lady. I'm also not the young woman who just hops on a bus and goes to the big city for some grand adventure. Those are the people this is made for. In fact, Howell's music is custom made for them. It has just enough emotion to make it seem edgy, but is about as confrontational as a rabbit. Women who aren't sure what they are looking for in life will find their answer here. Paint-by-numbers. Enjoy a class of expensive wine and think of yourself as decadent.

I "dissed," as the kids would say, John Mayer in the title to this blog. I'm not a fan of his, though I appreciate that he has some talent and enjoys a good prank now and then. The reason I referenced him is because this release is for the ladies who used to like him but gave him up when he got "too mainstream." (The irony of that statement speaks for itself.) And again, keep in mind I am not the target audience. I'm baffled as to why I got this, quite frankly. Did they think the guy who loves Nashville Pussy would write a glowing review of this? I seriously doubt it.

Mandatory FTC Disclaimer: As previously noted, I received this for review purposes. If you click on the link and purchase it, I will earn a commission, and I will wonder what it was in my review that appealed to you. Did you read it?

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